TKF’s brand ACE is a way of working. It is a concept that means looking at every aspect of a fibre optic networks project from a different angle so that we can optimise the FTTX solutions. We look at where bottlenecks lie, where costs are high, and where inconvenience is greatest. We then look at different ways these problems can be solved. The ACE concept gives our customers a full range of flexible, compatible products put together in different, innovative ways. The result is a solution that reduces project costs and public inconvenience yet maintains quality, reliability and future flexibility.
A concept that means looking at every aspect of a fibre optic networks project from a different angle to optimise the FTTX solutions. Contact us if you would like to learn more about our ACE concept.
The ACE concept works because of the human factor. We listen to our customers, find out exactly what they need, what they have and what the parameters are. Our knowledge of the market, regulations, future developments and our products mean we can then create an optimal FTTX solution. This can involve putting our products together in different ways, pre-engineering cables, working with partner engineers on SMART technology, or adjusting the layout of the network so as to improve connectivity.