TKF applies two different terms of delivery, namely:
Conditions for deliveries in the Netherlands
The general conditions of BV Twentsche Kabelfabriek (TKF) for transactions and deliveries within The Netherlands consist of the “General conditions for sales and delivery for the technological industry”, filed with the registry of the District Court of The Hague by the Vereniging FME-CWM on 16 April 2010 (number 29/2010), with some TKF amendments and additions.
Together, these conditions form the TKF terms and conditions of delivery for all transactions and deliveries within the Dutch borders.
Conditions for deliveries outside the Netherlands
The general terms and conditions for Dutch cross-border transactions and deliveries of BV Twentsche Kabelfabriek (TKF) consist of the "Orgalime SI 14 conditions, published by Orgalime in Brussels, Belgium, with some TKF amendments and additions.
Together, these conditions form the TKF terms and conditions of delivery for all transactions and deliveries that cross the Dutch borders.
TKF terms and conditions outside NL
On request, these terms and conditions can also be sent to you by post.